Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's Snow Shoveling Time!

What a wonderful snow. I had to post some pictures of the studio in the snow and share this story. Needing to shovel snow in Texas is quite the rare occasion and after borrowing a shovel and broom I headed up to the studio to clear the sidewalk. Brrrrr. I was making pretty poor progress when a very nice wandering minstrel stopped by and said that he would be able to help me. No sooner than he spoke another guy rode up on his bike and said that he would shovel because he had grown up in Minnesota and this snow was no big deal. The younger man began shoveling like crazy, the minstrel retrieved the guitar on his back and proceeded to belt out a variety of tunes to entertain us as we worked. Singing, shoveling, and sweeping the snow away from the sidewalk, we got the job done. Passerbys waved and laughed as they saw us. It was one of those spontaneous moments that happens rarely but beautifully. It was a good day.........Robin