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Tiffany Stained Glass Class  

Instructor:  Robin Huttash
Monday Evening Class                            
Class Date:  Sept 14 - Oct 18                
Time:  6:00 pm - 9:00 pm 
(Tuesday morning class coming in Sept)                  

Learn the Basics of stained glass using the Tiffany or copperfoil method.   In this 6 weeks class students will make a small suncatcher and construct a small glass panel.  Most tools are provided, but the student will need to purchase a glass cutter and supplies for the small glass panel.  Glass supplies are available at the studio.  
Cost:  $150 tuition plus purchase of supplies for second project and glass cutter ($30-$60)

Mosaic table by Robin Huttash

Mosaic Class
Instructor: Robin Huttash

Tuesday Morning Class
Dates: Tuesdays, Nov 2 - Dec 7 (skip Nov 16th)
Time: 9:30am - 12:30 pm

“Let us make beautiful Mosaics together.” Learn the basics of doing mosaic work. In this 5 week class you will work with glass and/or tile and found objects and create a beautiful mosaic on a framed piece of glass or other item such as a mirror, table top or tray. Class will cover use of adhesives, cutting glass and grouting and sealing. Cost: 125.00 plus supplies and tile cutter (estimated $30-$60 for supplies)  Student will need to purchase a tile cutter and supplies for project. (available from instructor)

Tiffany Stained Glass

Tiffany Stained Glass
Instructor: Robin Huttash

Make a Suncatcher Workshop

Sunday Afternoon 

Date: Sunday,  June 20th, 2010
 Time:  2:00 - 5:00 pm

 Not ready to take a six weeks class?   Then this is your chance to learn some basic skills and make a suncatcher.   In this three hour workshop you will learn basic stained glass skills by making a suncatcher.  Learn to cut glass and solder pieces of glass together.   Student will leave the class with a ready to hang suncatcher for their window.   Cost:  $35.00 fee.   All supplies and tools are included.

Beaded Jewelry 101
Instructor: Robin Huttash

Monday Evening Class
Dates: Mondays,  Oct 25 - Nov 8th
Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Take one session or all 3  
($90 for all three)

Basic  Beaded Jewelry 101    Oct 24th    6-9pm

Not quite sure how to get started creating your own jewelry? In this basic jewelry class you will create a beautiful pair of beaded earrings, bracelet and necklace while learning the basics of bead stringing. This three hour class will cover basic stringing materials, clasps, and use of simple tools and findings. If you have favorite beads that you would like to incorporate into your jewelry, please bring to class. Otherwise, beads and supplies can be purchased at the studio. Tools provided by instructor.

Cost: $30 tuition plus beading supplies. (Estimated cost of supplies and beads $7- $15)

Make a Bracelet     Nov 1st

Learn the basic techniques of jewelry assembly while making a unique and clever bracelet. A simple wire design will be taught and can be used to make a wire and beaded bracelet or a stretchy bracelet. Bring your favorite beads or purchase beads and supplies from the instructor. Tools provided by instructor.

Cost: $30 plus beading supplies. (Cost of supplies varies according to project)

Soldered Glass Necklace  Nov 8th

Create your own clever necklace medallion using stained glass techniques. In this class you will learn to cut glass, solder, make jump rings and work with decorative wire in order to create a one of a kind necklace medallion. Bring your favorite beads to accent your piece and don't forget your favorite images to use as the focal point. Instructor will also have other items to embellish your work.

Cost: $30 for tuition.  Necklace for medallion or beads can be purchased at studio. Tools provided by instructor.

Watercolor Batik
Watercolor Batik
Instructor: Kerry Boutell

Tuesday Evening Class
Dates: Tuesdays, Nov 2 - Nov 16th
Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Learn a new technique of painting using the watercolor batik method. This process is similar to the age old technique where melted wax is applied to fabric as a resist and then the fabric is dipped in dye. In watercolor Batik the wax is applied to rice paper and paints are used to add the color. The process gives a beautiful one of a kind batik painting. Cost: 100.00 tuition plus purchase of supplies (estimated at $10- $20)

Bring: Your favorite watercolors and brushes and you can purchase rice paper and Tjanting tool from instructor