Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Art Opening at the Studio

Saturday we had our second art opening at the Studio. The studio looked beautiful and the new photography room was completed although I have to admit that paint was still being applied the night before. So many friends and patrons came out to support the studio. The music was great and we were so lucky to have such talented musicians perform as the Dana Isaac Trio along with Deke and Dana's daughter Tess. The Boxcar Bandits were outstanding as usual and you might notice in the picture that there is a Boxcar Bandit want-to-be. This art show exhibited the art of 24 artists and there was such a variety we are hoping that there was something of interest for everyone. I was working on a special piece of stained glass for the show, but did not quite get it ready but soon it will be on display. If you didn't get to make it to the exhibit, stop by anytime between 12 and 6 pm and check out what we have been doing.......Robin

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Art Opening

What a busy week at the studio. The Mosaic class began Monday night and I am very excited to see what projects the students create. Monday we made coasters out of stained glass and next week after grouting the coasters, we begin our next project. This class lasts for 5 weeks and is always so much fun. Tuesday, the morning stained glass class began. This class lasts for 6 weeks and the first day of this class a smaller suncatcher is made. Next week we will begin our larger project that will take 5 weeks to complete. The studio is looking great. The rest of this week will be dedicated to cleaning, hanging art, and getting ready to make merriment at the Art opening, Saturday, March 27. It will last from 4-8 and we have two groups lined up for music. The Dana Isaac Trio will play from 4-6 followed by the Boxcar Bandits from 6-8. So much fun.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Nx35 at the Studio

Saturday was a tremendous day in the Studio. We have almost finished hanging the new art for the show and celebration on March 27th and the new Photography gallery is almost ready. Saturday was also a day full of music and for our Nx35 unofficial show we had 5 groups play their original works. The Studio is really a great place for an intimate concert and everyone in attendance seemed to agree. The show was kicked off by the Wheeler Sparks group and Wheeler performed his beautiful songs written for his grandfather. Very nice. Following Wheeler Sparks was singer and piano player LaLagray. Her unique style and voice totally captured your heart. The Early Birds performed several tunes that were great and had quite a following. Clint Niosi played his folksy acoustic set demonstrating that he is an accomplished guitar player as well as songwriter. Special guests from Brooklyn, New York, completed the show. I would highly recommend checking out any of these fantastic musicians. Music and art, what a great combo....Robin

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Birthday Art Party Bash

We had lots of fun on Sunday in the Studio. A wonderful celebration for a very special young lady who turned 4 years old. We started the party off with drawing on cardstock and everyone created a drawing for the birthday girl. Lin led the party to the pile of pillows where birthday stories were read and then back to the table for painting on T shirts. Shirts weren't the only thing painted as you can see in the pictures. Carolyn did a great job with the facepainting. Bright colored cupcakes, pin the tail on the donkey..... who couldn't have a wonderful time. - Robin

Friday, March 5, 2010

Music Coming to the STUDIO

On Saturday, March 13th, music makes it way to A Creative Art STUDIO. 4 acoustic groups will perform in the studio starting around 12 noon. This is a part of the NX35 conferette but we are not an official sponsor venue. I have gone to Myspace to check out those who are scheduled to perform and really liked what I heard. If you want a preview, you can check out the following:

Stop by if you can. From what I understand you will not need a wristband. We are getting ready for a very busy and exciting time next week. Hope to see you there.