Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Monday Night Stained Glass Class

The Tiffany stained glass class began Monday night and the students learned some basic stained glass skills by making a small suncatcher. The first night of the class everyone learns to cut glass, use copperfoil and solder the pieces of glass together. The result this night is a small hummingbird suncatcher that can hang in the window or be used as an ornament this holiday season. Next week the students start their larger project which will take about 5 weeks to complete. I love stained glass.....Robin

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Simone Nicole at First Friday Denton

Simone Nicole played at the studio on the First Friday in August. I would have to say that it was was an absolutely wonderful show. Simone has been singing since she was 14 and after performing with a band for a couple of years she decided to go solo and do some of her own music. We look forward to her coming back this fall and performing again in the studio. Be sure and check out her myspace and her website. Check out the photos of the evening........Robin

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Friday Denton, August, 2010

I am really looking forward to First Friday Denton at the Studio on August 6th. Gregory Conlin will be back to do sketch portraits and the music will begin at 7:00. Simone Nicole will be performing at the studio and it promises to be fun. Beautiful art, great music and good people. What a great combination.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sizzling Summer Art Show

A Great time was had by all at the Sizzling Summer Art Show. We had a wonderful turnout and if you got to come, no doubt you got to enjoy the wonderful artwork from both our veteran and new artists. I think this is the best show yet. It was quite a spread with food provided by Sweet Basil, the artists and friends. Vanessa Helvey and David White kicked off the celebration with both cover songs and original songs written by Vanessa. The Boxcar Bandits then took the stage and performed an amazing set. Gotta love those Boxcar Bandits. A new addition to this opening was the opportunity to have your portrait done by Gregory Conlin and not only could you have your portrait done, but watch him in action. He will be back at our next First Friday in case you didn't get the opportunity to have your portrait sketched. Didn't get to come? Here are a few photos........Robin

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sizzling Summer Art Show

Wow, is all I have to say today about our Sizzling Summer Art Show. Yes, it is Sizzling somewhat outside. After all, it is Texas, but I have to admit our Summer Art Show is also a Sizzler. We are busy hanging our beautiful show and preparing for Saturday. Our artists have brought in beautiful works and we have added several new artists to our gallery since the last show and I think you will enjoy getting to see their work. Click HERE for a short article about our opening on Saturday. Since the information was given to the paper we have added several other new Artists. Crystal Nelson's beautiful collage works, the paintings of Mariko Frost who was featured in the Texas National, 2009, Jennifer Leigh Jones, who in 2009 was Awarded as being one of The New Dallas Nine Artist’s in D Magazine, and new artist Joshua Rackley. I am so looking forward to hearing Vanessa Helvey play and sing and tap my feet to the "have to love em " Boxcar Bandits.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Return from the Windy City

Recently I got to take a quick trip to the Windy City. I spent a lot of time visiting other art galleries, charming towns in Michigan as well as a quick trip to Wisconsin. On my final day in Chicago I got to ride the train into the city. Getting out at Union Station was quite the treat for me. Like an ant, I followed the stream of people to a street level. I had traveled with my parents to Union Station when I was very young on the Santa Fe Railroad and I remembered that as a child the station alone seemed like a small city. Walking very quickly, I made my way to The Art Institute of Chicago where I saw the incredible collection of masterpieces. Rooms filled with Monets, a huge hallway filled with Rembrants as well as getting to see Picassos and Van Goghs. Beautiful enamel works, sculptures and metalworks as well. What a treat to get to visit the Institute. Of course, one day was by no means enough to see everything there but I did see as much as I could until my brain was on total art overload. Just a few pictures to share some of the sights....Robin

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Glass Garden Studio Fun!

Check out the beautiful projects that my students have created.

These projects were made in the evening Tiffany stained glass class. When taking the six week course, you first make a small suncatcher which gives you practice cutting glass, foiling and soldering. The second week you begin your larger project which takes the remaining 5 weeks in class to complete. The larger project is framed in zinc that you cut and solder together to make a finished stained glass panel ready to hang. I would say each of these students get an A+! .....Robin