Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sizzling Summer Art Show

Wow, is all I have to say today about our Sizzling Summer Art Show. Yes, it is Sizzling somewhat outside. After all, it is Texas, but I have to admit our Summer Art Show is also a Sizzler. We are busy hanging our beautiful show and preparing for Saturday. Our artists have brought in beautiful works and we have added several new artists to our gallery since the last show and I think you will enjoy getting to see their work. Click HERE for a short article about our opening on Saturday. Since the information was given to the paper we have added several other new Artists. Crystal Nelson's beautiful collage works, the paintings of Mariko Frost who was featured in the Texas National, 2009, Jennifer Leigh Jones, who in 2009 was Awarded as being one of The New Dallas Nine Artist’s in D Magazine, and new artist Joshua Rackley. I am so looking forward to hearing Vanessa Helvey play and sing and tap my feet to the "have to love em " Boxcar Bandits.

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